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Friday, February 11, 2011

JavaScript Bookmarklet that can create a New Window

The popup-blocking features of current browsers can be a problem if you are writing a JavaScript Bookmarklet that wants to open a new window. For example, I want to select text in an arbitrary window and then have a remote server operate on the text and return its results to a separate window, or tab. A bookmarklet is a great way to do this.

One approach to writing these is to make the bookmarklet simply call a JavaScript script on a remote server, which does the real work. This results in a simple bookmarklet and lets you perform arbitrary operations in the remote script.

But when the end result is the creation of a new browser window this approach will fail...

Modern browsers view this a potential exploit and will only allow the creation of new windows as the result of direct user interaction - i.e. the user clicks something.

All is not lost - it just means that you need to put all your code in the bookmarklet itself. This is messy but for many scripts this should not be a problem.

Here is my example. It gets the currently selected text and adds that to the URL of a remote service. It opens that URL in a new browser tab or window, depending on the specific parameters. If no text has been selected then it prompts to user to enter some. This first version will open the new page as a new tab in most browsers.
<a href="javascript:(function(){
// Get the current selection
var s = ''; 
if (window.getSelection) { 
s = window.getSelection(); 
} else if (document.getSelection) { 
s = document.getSelection(); 
} else if (document.selection) { 
s = document.selection.createRange().text; 
// Prompt for input if no text selected
if (s == '') {
s = prompt('Enter your text:');
// Open the target URL in a new tab
if ((s != '') && (s != null)) {
window.open('http://example.com/yourapp?id=' + s);
You would want to remove the comments from the bookmarklet, but you don't need to strip the newlines or minify the code.

The default of most current browsers is to create new tabs instead of new windows. Users can set their preferences to override this but most will not.

You may want to force the creation of a separate window. Think this through carefully - it may annoy some users if you start generating loads of windows. In some cases it is appropriate. It used to be that you could force this by passing '_blank' as the name of the new window but this does not appear to work in all browsers. Instead you need to explicitly specify one or more window properties, like width and height.

This is a messy solution but it works. In my application I just replaced the window.open call with this form:
window.open('http://patsy.craic.com/patsy?id=' + s, '_blank', 
The options string in the third argument specifies what the new window should look like. You may need to experiment with these. With Google Chrome on the Mac these do not give me the expected result - the address is not editable and there is no bookmarks bar. I also found that simply using 'status,toolbar,etc' without the '=1' did not work, although you will see this listed as a valid syntax.


1 comment:

Robert Jones said...

Forgot to mention that I based my code on some of that from this post by Tommy Sayler at Smashing Magzine.

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